P-05-1019 Award teacher predicted grades to all Welsh students for examination 2020, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 17.08.20


My response to the committee is that I am grateful that there was a process for a petition to be raised. As you can see from the number of signatures over a short period of time, it was an urgent matter that required immediate action and the petition process allowed this. I had reached out directly to my MP and to the Minister for Education but got no response or at least, no support and the petition allowed the people of Wales to have their voice heard. I feel Welsh Government, although too slow to act, have now thrown their support behind the young people of Wales, who have already had a dreadful year of missed experiences and opportunities due to COVID. My only wish is that they’d made this decision before A Level grades were released as many, including my daughter, have missed out on their University place and other options, whilst the situation went unresolved.

Please pass on my thanks to the Chair of the Petitions Committee and other members, who sought to highlight the issue within the petition and looked to expedite the process.


I am now going to sit with my daughter and work out what she will do over the next 12 months and hope Welsh Government realise there is NOTHING more important in Wales than our young people and their future. 


Many thanks


Christine Wineyard